Monday 3 August 2015

My Words on the Latest RSPB Minsmere Leaflet ...

It came as quite a surprise today to discover that my words had been included on a new visitor leaflet at RSPB Minsmere. Some months ago I responded to a mini Facebook challenge from the RSPB to describe in a few words what it was that made me think of the site as such a special place.

This is what appeared on my Facebook wall this afternoon:

RSPB Suffolk 'We asked for snappy quotes right here on Facebook - and yours was the one we chose!'

You can see the online brochure here, but if you would like one that is entirely the right way up, well, you might just have to pay a visit to the reserve!

We have seen a number of 'firsts' at Minsmere over the years; perhaps notably the Bittern, a bird I never managed to see (or hear) during my Norfolk childhood.


  1. Congrats, Caroline! I love your Bittern photos! Awesome! Have a happy week ahead!

  2. congratulations and great shots of the bittern!
