Thursday 27 August 2015

Kestrel at NT Sutton Hoo

After the Sutton Hoo ship-burial helmet

I was up at NT Sutton Hoo this afternoon ...

... and spotted a Kestrel near the boundary with the farmer's field.

It was flying and perching ...

... flying and perching as it quartered its territory.

Presumably a female on account of head colour?

After a while I saw it take off towards the river Deben, above Woodbridge.

I sat down near the burial mounds to admire the Harebells.

It was a warm, and slightly humid, 23 degrees centigrade ...

... but an hour later when I was safely home, there was a cloudburst, followed by one of the most impressive double-rainbows I have seen.

Double rainbow, showing Alexander's band


  1. Hello Caroline, cool sighting and captures of the Kestrel. The helmet is neat and I love the double rainbow. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Always great to get a good sighting of a kestrel! Lovely harebells and rainbows (two things we have plenty of in Scotland!)

  3. Lovely to see the kestrel. Would love to be near enough to visit Sutton Hoo. Beautiful photos of the harebells and rainbow.
