Thursday 13 August 2015

2015 Hedgehog Sighting - at last!

We were out looking for Perseid showers last night, and although it was a bit cloudy and we failed to spot any, we had the unexpected pleasure of finding a young hedgehog rootling around in a flower bed.

I was only bemoaning the sad fact earlier this week that I had not seen a live hedgehog for over a year (when I saw one in the grounds of the Cathedral of the Isles on Great Cumbrae in Scotland).

And now I have seen one in 2015! Having just joined the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, I have logged the sighting on their site.

You can read more about hedgehogs in Suffolk here


  1. oh how lovely, I can't remember when I last saw a hedgehog unfortunately

  2. I've seen a couple this year, and heard others rooting about in the dark.

  3. Is this a good or bad thing? Don't they eat your flowers? Are the endangered?

  4. Oh what a wonderful sight! I love them and have never seen one in person.

  5. So nice to see, we have been out more at night due to me moth trapping, I like to see what's about. Which means I found out we have a Hedgehog visiting the garden round about twelve at night most nights, have made a box were I can leave food and water.Have a look here they have made a great feeding station..
    Amanda xx

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments ... and, yes, Amanda, I have seen that impressive hedgehog visiting station! Wow!
