Tuesday 28 July 2015

2015 Scottish Odyssey (3) Birds

Goosander on Loch Lomond (2015) ... time for a ride

It is time I composed my bird list from my 2015 holiday diary!

The weather (with a couple of exceptions) was not ideal for bird photography on our holiday this year, so I have taken the liberty of re-posting the Eider and Bullfinch pictures I took in 2014.

Those of you who visit my monthly Tree Following posts will know that I love lists. So here goes ... and, incidentally, the location mentioned is the place where I saw a species on this holiday for the first time. It may not be the only place. Birds are posted in the order in which they were spotted. You can find pictures and information about them all on the RSPB site here.

  1. Swallow (Loch Lomond)
  2. Swift (Loch Lomond)
  3. Goldfinch (Loch Lomond)
  4. Greenfinch (Loch Lomond)
  5. Oystercatcher (Loch Lomond)
  6. Goosander (Loch Lomond)
  7. House Sparrow (Loch Lomond)
  8. Lesser Black-back Gull (Loch Lomond)
  9. Skylark (Rannoch Moor)
  10. Buzzard (Glengarry)
  11. Grey Heron (Eilean Donan)
  12. Rock Pipit (Eilean Donan)
  13. Pied Wagtail (Broadford, Skye)
  14. Blackbird (Broadford, Skye)
  15. Hooded Crow (Broadford, Skye)
  16. Starling (Broadford, Skye)
  17. Robin (Broadford, Skye)
  18. Bullfinch (Dunvegan)
  19. Cuckoo (Dunvegan - no sighting but David heard it calling)
  20. Arctic Tern (Loch Dunvegan)
  21. Dunlin (Braes, Skye)
  22. Eider Duck (Applecross)
  23. Curlew (Applecross)
  24. Mallard (Applecross)
  25. Wheatear (Waternish, Skye) 
  26. Gannet (Waternish, Skye)
  27. Golden Eagle (Cuillin, Skye)
  28. Lapwing (Staffin, Skye)
  29. Stonechat (Quairaing, Skye) 
  30. Chiffchaff (Kylerhea, Skye)
  31. Ringed Plover (Sleat, Skye)
  32. White-tailed Eagle, with salmon! (Skye) Red status conservation
  33. Tystie/Black Guillemot (Elgol, Skye)
  34. Corncrake (Skye - only the call this year, no sighting) Red status conservation
  35. Reed Bunting (South Shian, near Oban)
  36. Mute Swan (near Tayvallich)
  37. Garganey (near Tayvallich)
  38. Moorhen (Lochgilphead)
  39. Barn Owl (Kilmartin)
  40. Little Owl (Kilmartin)
  41. Sand Martin (between Kilmartin and Loch Awe)
  42. Razorbill (from Arran ferry)
  43. Pheasant (Arran)
  44. Treecreeper (Brodick Castle, Arran)
  45. Kestrel (Arran)
  46. Chaffinch (Dunadd)
  47. Herring gull (Oban) Red status conservation
Plus an assortment of geese and gulls, which would probably bring the total up to around 50. I need to brush up on my ID skills for these. Oh, and we also saw a peacock on Skye!

I was surprised to find that while the Herring Gull is still afforded Red Status, the Golden Eagle is listed as Amber. Have you found any unusual birds this summer?

Eider (male)

Eider (female)

Bullfinch (female)

Bullfinch (male)


  1. Nice spots Caroline. I love the Bullfinch photo, I've yet to see my first Bullfinch in the wild.

  2. Hello Caroline, what a great list. Beautiful birds and lovely photos. The Bullfinch is a handsome bird! Have a happy day!

  3. Lovely photos and a great list, Caroline.

    My most unusual bird this summer was the spotted flycatcher, well 3 of them in fact, in Colinotn Dell in Edinburgh, where they've not been seen for at least 10 years and I've not heard of them being seen there since 1983. I've only seen them the once though, they must have been passing through...

  4. Excellent list - if you come to Islay you might add hen harriers - we just had a wonderful sighting of a male quartering over the moss next to the road between Port Ellen and Bowmore, Islay is their stronghold. We occasionally get then across the garden between the house and the sea. Super bullfinch - we don't often see them.

  5. If ever I were to move to your country, I would have to start all over to learn all those birds. The bull finch is a new one for me and it is a great looking one.

  6. Fabulous shot of the goosander family! Here they are only winter visitors!

  7. Great list, I was trying to top up my bird list for this year but have slowed down and been busy with other things, as we move into Autumn I should be back watching the birds a little more.
    Amanda xx
