Wednesday 3 June 2015

Ladybird Instars in Ipswich

David saw these Ladybird instars today in Ipswich. We have logged them with the UK Ladybird Survey, and are awaiting confirmation of our identification efforts. 

I have only just noticed the small Ladybird lower right.

Ah, an actual Ladybird in among the instars!


  1. amazing photos, I've never seen ladybird instars in such large numbers!

  2. Interesting post. I never give much thought to the lifecycle of a ladybird until I read this.

  3. I like the actual ladybug, they are so cute. Happy Thursday!

  4. Thank you for your kind comments!

  5. Looks like you've got a native 7 spot there, I have barely seen a single native this year, and instar season for herlequins seems to be over already. Wonder if they outcompete native ladybirds by getting out of the box early, as it were.

  6. How lovely to see so many together like that...
    Amanda xx

  7. Great post - I've only ever seen individual Ladybird instars so it was really interesting to see your pictures.
