Tuesday 19 May 2015

RSPB Minsmere - The Adder Trail

Sharing with Eileen at Viewing Nature With Eileen ...

There is certainly a BBC Springwatch buzz at RSPB Minsmere.

We decided to take a look along the Adder trail for signs of snake.

We had a very satisfatory sighting, but it was not only the reptiles who caused a stir.

The Avocets were on their nests. There were several Little Egrets on the scrape.
The Bearded tits were hard to photograph but a delight to watch. 
The Bluebells were a joy to behold. We saw (and heard) two Bitterns.
We heard a Water Rail and were serenaded by a Cuckoo.
The Sand Martins were busy re-claiming their nests.
David saw our first dragonfly of 2015 - a Hairy Dragonfly.
I came across my first Grasshopper of the season.

N.B. Adders are dangerous when they bite.
I took all the photographs below from the path side of the roped-off viewing area.

A seasonal sea of Bluebells

Camouflage! Adders head to head ... (look for the eyes)

Both snakes look right ...

It can be hard to see where one Adder ends and the other begins!

Such fine markings.

Snakes in the grass ...

Close-up. I wonder if the Adder can feel those thorns!

You can see how mottled shade in the undergrowth provides the perfect habitat.

A personal favourite!

Prepare for action ...

I see that the Springwatch team will be following specific Adders this year. 
You can read about the plans if you click here and scroll down 
to the BBC Springwatch paragraph called 'Adders on the Move'. 
It will be fascinating to see what traits are revealed. 

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  • Previous post: Red insects including the Fire Bug and (green and red) Ruby-tailed Wasp ...

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  1. I have not known about adders before now. I am sure that I wouldn't want to mess with them. Your top photo of the bluish photos is so great. Your snake photos are nice to see. They do hide in the woodland floor with the colors that blend.

  2. Sounds like you had a great outing. Wonderful birds and the cool snake sightings..Awesome photos. Enjoy your day!

  3. Wonderful photos of the adders :) I haven't seen one for years - sadly, they are believed extinct in Warwickshire. I'll try looking for them when we are on holiday.

    So looking forward to Springwatch :)

  4. Wonderful photos of the adders. I look forward to catching up with them on Springwatch! I'm envious of your bearded tit sightings too.

  5. How wonderful to see and great photos to Caroline. Not seen one, there is a bank of grass cuttings up on the Chevin, were I go, in a very sunny sheltered spot. I'm hoping I might get to see one here ?

  6. Fantastic shots of the snakes and I will look at that link later after dinner.Looks interesting reading. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. What a great day! I think the adders are beautiful.

  8. How wonderful. I was looking for an Adder last week. I failed.

  9. Hello Caroline, I am just stopping back to say thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!

  10. What big fat snakes. They make my little garter snakes look so small. That's interesting that they draw so many people to see them and track them.
