Thursday 5 March 2015

7-spot Ladybird in Suffolk

This 7-spot Ladybird was very close to our Suffolk home. I imagine a bit of sunshine had caused the insect to arise from its overwintering state. You can see the early signs of new spring growth on the shrub.

I have just added this sighting to iRecord so that the information can be used by the UK Ladybird Survey


  1. Pretty ladybug! Great sighting.

  2. beautiful photo Caroline, always lovely to see a ladybird!

  3. Nice find Caroline. I've still not seen any Ladybirds this year.

  4. They are a very good looking bug. I don't think they like snow so we won't be seeing them for a while.

  5. Lovely to see a 7-spot. All I seem to see at the moment are Harlequin - there seem to be dozens crawling round the bathroom!

  6. I have been keeping an eye out for Ladybirds as the Park, I do most of my blog from here.The park was over run with Harlequin Ladybirds last year, with big numbers at the end of the summer, they covered me as I walked round. I am interested how this has effected the Ladybird population. I too will record them.
    Amanda xx

  7. I do hope he did not waken to early. He is lovely. Have a lovely weekend.

  8. Caroline, thanks so much for linking up your post.. Have a happy Sunday!

  9. Nice close-up shot.

  10. Nice close-up shot.

  11. I love I love the pretty ladybug.
