Tuesday 24 March 2015

7-spot Ladybird at NT Anglesey Abbey

We visited NT Anglesey Abbey some days ago, and right on cue in the woodland 'Wildlife Discovery Area', we saw a 7-spot Ladybird. I expect it had been overwintering in a peaceful spot.

I have added the record to my iSpot account via the UK Ladybird Survey site

As you will guess from the greenery below, the photo of the Abbey was taken on a previous occasion, but I thought it would give a certain context to the post if I included it again! 


  1. Lovely to see the 7-spot Ladybird - all I've seen here are dozens and dozens of Harlequins appearing in every room of the house!! Anglesey Abbey looks a beautiful place - I do wish we lived close enough to visit.

  2. I saw a harlequin larva on the door the other day, but no actual proper ladybirds yet!

  3. The Abbey is exquisite! Wow...just a beautiful building! Loved the ladybugs (real & not-so-real :))

  4. We have had snow to day, so I think all Lady bugs will be going back to bed round here.
    Last year we had good numbers of Ladybirds in the park of all variates, but the late boom of Harlequins in vast numbers has got me a little worried. I plan to keep a good record of them this year, and put them on iSpot as well.
    Amanda xx

  5. Hello Caroline! The ladybug is pretty and I love the shot of the Abbey! Happy weekend!
