Wednesday 11 February 2015

Spring comes to Ickworth in Geraldine's Walk

Some of you may have read my two previous posts about our recent visit to NT Ickworth. I mentioned that we were on a quest to see snowdrops ...

We took the path that snakes its way through the wood that straddles Geraldine's Walk.

It was not long before we saw some catkins (below). I was keen to observe the tiny flowers. You can see one in the photo above. The photo below shows the position of the flower on the branch.

Catkins are always a sign that spring is on the way, but there were other signs, too ...

... such as my first primrose of 2015. The flowers were a bit ragged, but they were there.

The photo below shows a tiny Treecreeper on a huge trunk!

This view of Geraldine's Walk shows fallen leaves and beechmast from autumn, bare branches from winter and a glimmer of spring sunlight.

And here are the snowdrops!

I suspect the Snowdrops below had been decimated by some creature,
but mice and most rodents are not usually attracted to these flowers. 
There were quite a few petals strewn about and a few flower heads and stalks. 

What a perfect place to spend an afternoon in early spring!

There were quite a few Aconites ...

... still wet with dew drops ...

There was a clump of daffodils ...

... and high up in the treetops a rook was busy making a nest.

You can read a littler more about Lady Geraldine's Walk here.

Ickworth is a lovely place to visit in all four seasons.


  1. Everything looks so pretty. I love spring time.. But, we are so far behind here. It is still winter.. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  2. The snowdrop walk looks lovely, and that is a large tree the Treecreeper is on, seen a lot of Treecreepers this year.
    Amanda xx

  3. Looks like a lovely place for a springtime walk!

  4. Beautiful gardens and photos. So lovely to see snowdrops appearing and winter aconites. I haven't seen any of the latter yet but as they are one of my favourites I will try and visit a place where I know they occur :)

    I haven't seen a Treecreeper yet this year - I need to get out birding more!

  5. Spring is definitely on the way. We've got Snowdrops and Daffodils in flower here now.
