Wednesday 21 January 2015

In advance of the Big Garden Birdwatch, my 2015 Bird List to date

Goldeneye, Essex Wildlife Trust's Abberton Reservor Reserve

These are my 2015 January lists, thus far. I am only counting each species once, even if it is spotted in several locations ...


Home Patch
  1. Blackbird (about five)
  2. Blue tit (small cluster) 
  3. Buzzard (one - a first!)
  4. Chaffinch (one)
  5. Common Gull (about eleven)
  6. Goldfinch (small flock)
  7. Great Spotted Woodpecker
  8. Great tit (about four)
  9. Grey Heron (one)
  10. Long-tailed tit (about eight, possibly more most days)
  11. Magpie (about five)
  12. Robin (one most days)
  13. Song Thrush (one - and also one in the park)
  14. Starling (five)
  15. Wood pigeon (plenty!)
  16. Wren (one)
Abberton Reservoir, Essex Wildlife Trust
  1. Common Gull (a few) 
  2. Goldeneye (two)
  3. Greylag Goose (a flock)
  4. Lapwing (colony)
  5. Mallard (quite a few)
  6. Mute Swan (about twenty)
  7. Tufted Duck (ditto)
  1. Barn Owl (one)
  2. Carrion Crow (one)
  3. Kestrel (one)
  4. Lesser Black-backed Gull (one)
Christchurch Park
  1. Redwing (about seven)
  1. Turnstone (twelve)
Current total of bird species seen: 29


Home Patch
  1. Grey Squirrel (one on several occasions) 
  1. Muntjac Deer (one)

All species can be found on the RSPB site here.

If you live in the UK and would like to take part in the 2015 Big Garden Birdwatch, you will find details here

1 comment:

  1. We had a tufted titmouse bird in our back yard on Monday. It was eating from the goldfinch feeder. My wife took pictures of the bird that really isn't suppose to be in our area. I didn't see it in reality but just in my wife's photo.
