Monday 6 October 2014

RSPB Minsmere (with Otter and Great White Egret)

Otter in ring of bright water in front of the reeds. Photo Credit: © David Gill 2014

It is always exciting to see what wildlife is out and about at RSPB Minsmere, and our visit this last weekend coincided with that of a Little Crake. The bird had attracted folk from miles away, and we had rarely found the reserve so busy. By the time we arrived, the Little Crake was no longer showing, so we headed on past the Bittern Hide in search of Bearded tits.

We failed to see any this week, but were delighted to see an Otter. It was a fair distance from us, but we could see it clearly through binoculars.

It swam to and fro below the dome of Sizewell Power Station ...

... and then it turned towards us (photo below). You can just about make out the characteristic 'V' emanating from the otter and receding in the weed.

There was a measure of excitement in the hide over the appearance of a Great White Egret. I have seen this bird in the western Peloponnese, but it was my first sighting in the UK. The egret was right over on the far side, and as you can see, I was shooting into the sun. You may have to take my word for the yellow on the bill! 

On our way back to the car we caught a glimpse of this Muntjac deer ...

There were plenty of rabbits and grey squirrels out and about in the autumn sunshine.


  1. Looks like you had a great day. I need to get back to Minsmere as it's been years since I was last there.

  2. Lovely to see the otter!

    I've never seen an egret in the UK, but I keep my fingers crossed!

    I love that photo of the rabbit and the squirrel, it looks as though they've just had an argument

  3. How exciting to see a Otter, never seen one.
