Wednesday 2 July 2014

Scottish Odyssey 2 ~ Finches at Dunvegan on Skye

It was lovely to find Dunvegan in sunshine. The castle grounds were looking magnificent ...

... with waterlilies ...

... lupins and delphiniums.

We were delighted to find a Bullfinch as we rarely see these Amber Status birds in our own neck of the woods, and have only ever seen one in our Suffolk garden 'down south'.  

We soon noticed that there was also a female. 

I'm not sure what she was eating but it seemed to come from the tree ...

... near the roses.

We also saw this Goldfinch just outside the castle grounds from a place where we like to watch seals on the skerries.

1 comment:

  1. Your finches are beautiful! And I love the flowers, Gorgeous series of images. Have a happy weekend!
