Thursday 29 May 2014

Sand Martins at RSPB Minsmere

We continue to be avid watchers of BBC Springwatch from RSPB Minsmere, our (pretty) local nature reserve. The photo above shows a sandy cliff on the reserve, and you can see where sand has been 'burrowed out' by ... 

... Sand Martins, who are among the first spring migrants to appear in Suffolk from their winter quarters, south of the Sahara.

The tunnels can be almost a metre in length.


  1. lovely photos, Caroline. There's a lovely colony of sand martins nesting in a sandy river bank just outside Edinburgh

  2. What a cool sight to see, the Sand Martins are pretty. Great shots. Have a happy weekend!

  3. How amazing. I've never seen them but would love to. I'm still bathing in the joy of seeing a Pine Marten in Scotland!
