Thursday 15 May 2014

(First) Large Red Damselfly in Home Patch

We saw our first (Migrant Hawker) dragonfly in our garden in August 2012, but had not seen any damselflies, so I was particularly excited to find this Large Red female on the Escallonia yesterday morning. She was still in the garden today, although in a slightly different spot. 

The Large Red Damselfly is one of the earliest to take wing. The photo below shows the thin red band around the pronotum. Males do not have the yellow ring around the base of each abdominal segment.


  1. Caroline, beautiful captures of the Red Damselfly. Have a great day!

  2. what a beautiful insect and lovely photos, but someone should tell her her colours clash with the flowers!

  3. That was exactly my thought, Juliet ... but I guess it's all good camouflage!

  4. Absolutely no sign of any here Caroline so lovely to see yours!

  5. I am not sure I have seen any in my garden ever. Do they come into inner London? Or do I have to have certain plants to attract them? I don’t have any water or pond, just a tiny birdbath so there are of course certain wildlife that won’t be attracted to my garden for that reason.
    Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing :-)
