Monday 5 May 2014

Canada Goose with Orange Band, Pakenham Mill

We visited Pakenham Watermill for the first time on Saturday. It lies just across the road from Mickle Mere, a reserve in the care of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust. We headed off to the hide, and enjoyed watching the nesting gulls and the young Moorhens and Coots. There were a few geese about - Egyptian, Greylag and Canada. The Canada Geese were a fair distance from the hide, so the photo above was taken on my zoom and has been enlarged. I apologise for the poor quality, particularly since it would have been interesting and helpful to have been able to have read the ringing ID on the orange collar.    

My understanding is that the significant details to record if you spot a neck band on a goose are ...
  • the species, in this case Canada Goose
  • the colour of the neck band
  • the numbers or letters on it
  • the colour of the numbers
Sightings of banded birds can be sent to (here) which is a website run by BTO on behalf of the European Ringing Schemes.

You can read about the Cotswold Water Park banding research project here.

There were some strange leafy 'creatures' lurking in the meadow near the mill stream! 


  1. I've never seen a band like that, it lookslike a special goose fashion accessory!

  2. It is a beautiful area. In Minnesota they band them with the big numbers showing so they can read them without capturing. I like the plain color better.

  3. Hello Caroline, how are you? I always remember you when Rosie Nixon of Scotland posts a lot of wonderful flowers with ladybeetles.

    I thought that first bird is not real, till you described it. Then the 2nd i thought are true till i scrutinized them, haha!

  4. Hello Caroline, how are you? I always remember you when Rosie Nixon of Scotland posts a lot of wonderful flowers with ladybeetles.

    I thought that first bird is not real, till you described it. Then the 2nd i thought are true till i scrutinized them, haha!
