Wednesday 5 March 2014

Seasonal 'Firsts' ~ Tortoiseshell Butterfly

Who knows whether winter will make a comeback, but the garden has a distinctive air of spring about it and it is always exciting to spot a 'seasonal first'.

Yesterday I noticed a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly going for a spin and this morning there was a large Bumblebee heading for our miniature Iris.

Bee and butterfly were too quick for my camera, but here is an old photo to brighten up the post. 2013 was a good year for the Small Tortoiseshell, so let's hope that 2014 may be just as successful.

My bird list has taken a huge knock during my extended bout of bronchitis, but I keep taking the pills and have some serious catching up to do!


  1. Always lovely to see the season's first butterfly! None up here so far!

    Hope your bronchitis clears up soon

  2. How brilliant to see two too Caroline! I saw one on a sunny day on the moor a coup,e of weeks ago and it was shocking.

  3. Lovely image and sign of Spring. We still have snow on the ground here and cold temperatures. I am wishing for some warm days and butterfly sightings.

  4. Hope you are speeding towards full recovery.

    Haven't seen a butterfly yet - but I did come across a hoverfly on a crocus and a massive bumblebee on a hellebore.

    There will be a link box for Tree Following posts on Loose and Leafy tomorrow (March 7th). It'll stay open for seven days.


  5. I saw my first small tortoiseshell this morning. Your pair are so beautiful in their fresh new colours.

    Yesterday I saw three Yellow Brimstones flying along a wild New Forest hedge. First sightings are so uplifting!
