Thursday 13 February 2014

Meet Mabel the Tawny Owl

I had seen several posts about Mabel the Tawny Owl, but when we visited her tree at the weekend, she was not at home. I returned to the park this afternoon, reckoning that she might be sitting (well, sleeping) out in the sunshine after the stormy nights. And, as you can see, my visit was rewarded. 

Mabel has been in the local news recently, as you can see here

Mabel produced an owlet in 2012, which you can read about here.
Reg Snook has written a book about her.

This is Mabel's fifth season in the park.


  1. Mabel is a beautiful owl. Lovely photos and sighting. Have a happy weekend!

  2. what lovely photos, Caroline! So the Water of Leith tawny owl isn't the only one to sit in a hole all day

  3. Great photos and reports Caroline. Looks like Mabel had a home built to fit and match colours. I'd probably walk past without noticing if not in the know.

    I saw something sitting up on a high branch yesterday, and thought it was a bird of prey at first, but when I looked closer it was a squirrel!

  4. It's as if she's in a sentry box - which is exactly how owls seem in story-book illustrations.

    Every year, I follow a tree through its seasons. I photograph it and note what grows around it. I see from the list at the side of the Tree Year Blog that you did something similar in 2011. I'm inviting people to do the same, very informally in 2014, linking up through my blog Loose and Leafy - I'm not very efficient but I am enthusiastic and it would be great if you were able to join us by following a tree you love - or one you would like to get to know better.


  5. She's just beautiful. I wish I knew where to see an owl in daylight!

  6. Hi, Caroline. Delighted you are joining us with tree following. Yes - the linky worked; and I've added you and your silver birch to the list. Looking forward to reading about it through the year.

  7. About the Linky box. I've not had one on my blog before so I'm just muddling along till I too have the hang of it.
    At present, I'm using it simply to find out who will be following a tree this year so they can be added to the growing list.
    Soon, though, I'll make it so there's a box only once a month where bloggers will be able to add their links to specific tree following posts.
    Incidentally, I'm also planning to make space available to people who don't have blogs but would, none the less, like to take part.
