Monday 20 January 2014

Nature Reserves ~ Sunset at RSPB Minsmere

There were a few Teal dabbling as we watched from North Hide at Minsmere ...

... as the sun moved towards the horizon.

The Koniks (and here) were grazing peacefully ...

... and apart from the sound of the geese ...

... it was a very tranquil scene.

A pair of Mute Swans graced the far bank of the scrape.

Suddenly there was a flurry followed by a flutter of activity ...

... before peace returned. I love the bill in the reeds!

We saw a few Shoveler ...

... in winter plumage, like the one on the left.

Skeins of geese graced the sky as the cloud began to build.

Pastel shades of sunset highlighted my favourite line of trees ...

... providing a contrast with the vibrant light as we looked to the west. 

I couldn't resist a reflection ...

... knowing that dusk was upon us.

It was time to follow the example ...

... of the geese, and head for home.


  1. Gorgeous sunset shots, the lighting on these photos is lovely. I love your Teal shots. Have a happy week!

  2. lovely photos Caroline, the light is wonderful. I love the photos of the teal! Did you see them doing their courtship dance?

  3. Thank you, Eileen and Juliet, for your kind comments ... and no, Juliet, sadly we missed the Teal dance! I think perhaps it was that sluggish time of the early evening for them!

  4. Your photos are all so wonderful. You live in a beautiful place. I especially liked the waterfowl and horses in the pictures.

  5. caroline, i like your images very much, they are so moody. sirpa

  6. caroline, i like your images very much, they are so moody. sirpa
    p.s. i had quite a trouble to publish my small comment by
