Friday 20 December 2013

Seasonal Splash ~ RSPB Minsmere

Wintry Reflections

The devastating storm was the focus of my last Minsmere post, and I promised to post something more cheerful this time. We returned to the reserve a few days ago to find glorious winter sunshine and a glowing sunset. 

Sunset comes to the Reedbeds

Swan at sunset, Island Mere

My favourite trees, bordering the reserve

Reedmace (right) among the reeds

Sunset glow

Deer ... and signs of mole!

A final glow

Marsh Harrier at dusk

Swans again

Sunset 1

Sunset 2 (birds, but not the murmuration I read about ...)

Frost in the dells

Ice patterns on a leaf

Jay, looking for acorns

A rabbit turns tail

Who will get the acorns ... the Grey Squirrel or the Jay?


  1. Lovely sunset shots! And the bird and bunny are wonderful! Your Jay is a handsome bird. The frost photos are pretty. Great post, enjoy your weekend.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. what a lovely series of photos! The light is wonderful! Congratulations particularly on capturing the jay, i find them very elusive birds!
