Friday 1 November 2013

Seasonal Splash ~ Flatford Mill RSPB Garden, Needham Market and Sutton Hoo

'A prickle of hedgehogs'

The RSPB Wildlife Garden at Flatford was about to close for the winter, but I just loved the novel collective noun on the brown post! 

There was one solitary Ladybird, flexing her wings. You can see just how long these wings are in comparison with the spotted elytra. 

Fungi in the RSPB Garden

Mute Swans at Flatford Mill

Autumn gold at Sutton Hoo

Scarlet Rowan berries at Needham Market, Suffolk

We had visited the lakes at Needham Market before, but had not noticed this tunnel. The sunlit disc above was actually a blue sign ...

A little further round the path we encountered a fiery Spindle tree, with these stunning berries ... The wood was used for spinning - hence the name.

There were also some Rosehips, adding to another splash of autumn colour  ...

I recall (like the person who commented on a photo here) going to the local child clinic at regular intervals to collect our allocation of rosehip syrup and orange juice for the youngest family members.


  1. Beautiful nature scenes! The ladybug is cute and I love the Turkey feathers fungi. The Mute Swan is gorgeous! Lovely Autumn photos, have a happy weekend!

  2. Wonderful photos, Caroline.
    Loved them all

  3. Lovely photos of the changing colors and scene. I like the idea of a "prickle of hedgehogs" :-) Do you ever see any hedgehogs?

  4. Wow, beautiful captures! specially love the Swans. Thanks for sharing.
