Tuesday 24 September 2013

Eye-catching Insects ~ Rove Beetle at Grimes Graves

We were re-visiting the ancient flint mines at Grimes Graves at the weekend. There were no Woolly Mammoths, but a large black Rove Beetle caught my eye. Unlike Ladybirds, these insects have very short elytra. Considering there are over 1000 species of Rove Beetle in the UK, it comes as something of a surprise to realise that this is the first one I have ever seen or noticed. It was almost 3cm long.

David (Gill) ... ready for the mine


  1. Hi Caroline, it looks scary! Who is the one in red at the bottom? ...regards Caroline

  2. That is a big beetle.
    Nice shots, Caroline.

  3. The Rove Beetle is a new insect to me! Great sighting and photos.

  4. I don't think I've ever seen one either. Very armadillo-like!

  5. Thank you all for your comments.

    Andrea, I have added in my husband's name (David) and link to his archaeology blog ...
