Tuesday 13 August 2013

Natural Phenomena ~ Perseid Meteor Showers in Suffolk

OK, so these aren't *real* stars ... (Ipswich Waterfront by Night)

A mini meteor shower of Tweets announced that folk were outside gazing at shooting stars last night here in the Ipswich area. We went outside, and it was only seconds before David spotted something star-like zooming across the sky. At that point the only moving items I could see were aeroplanes: their flashing lights proved something of a distraction. I came in for a while, but we both ventured out again later and this time we both met with success.

The BBC announced that we are approaching the 'high point of the annual Perseid meteors' as we orbit through debris from comet 'Swift-Tuttle'.

Suffolk, of course, was not the only place from which to watch the spectacle. You can read about the phenomenon in Galloway here.


  1. It has been cloudy here, we will not be able to see the Meteor showers. I am happy you had success.

  2. we missed them this year, too many street lights in Edinburgh

  3. I missed it all too! Too tired and in need of my bed. I've seen some great photos though.
