Saturday 20 July 2013

Wildflowers in Scotland ~ Sundew, Lousewort and Milkwort

We came across this patch of Sundew while walking across marshy ground in the Clearance village of Ceannebeinne near Durness in the north of Scotland. I am not sure that I had ever seen this fascinating plant before in the wild. It was certainly a case of blink and you'll miss it ... but I had my eyes wide open, checking for ticks!

Unsuspecting insects find themselves trapped in the Sundew's sticky liquid, produced by the plant to supplement its food intake in areas of poor soil.  

The site produced a number of small flowers, including this Marsh Lousewort below. The rather horrible name is apparently the result of a folkore belief that sheep who grazed on this plant would become infested by lice. 

The photo below shows the archaeologist (aka David) in his element, working out the alignment of abandoned crofts.

And finally ... and still from the same site ... one of my favourite Highland flowers, the tiny blue (probably Heath) Milkwort. The yellow flower may be related to Tormentil, but I am not sure!


  1. lovely photos, lovely selection of flowers!

  2. Some interesting and pretty wildflowers. They are all new to me, thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow, colorful wildflowers! looking nice.
