Monday 22 July 2013

Big Butterfly Count ~ at Sutton Hoo

I undertook the Big Butterfly Count at Sutton Hoo over the weekend. You give yourself 15 minutes and chart the maximum number of a species you see at any one time.

The photos immediately above and below show a (male) Gatekeeper, aka the Hedge Brown. This is not a large butterfly. I always look for the two little white spots on the forewing!

Total: 3

The butterfly below, a Small Heath, was not surprisingly very small!  

Total: 6

 You can see how dry the heathland is at Sutton Hoo at present.

This next butterfly (below) is a slightly ragged male Meadow Brown

Total: 8

And finally ... this lovely little creature below is (I believe) a Small Skipper.

Total: 2


  1. These are all the ones that won't stay still for me! What's your secret???

  2. Lovely images and butterflies, Caroline!
