Thursday 23 May 2013

Home Patch: the Beautiful Bullfinch

We have been very excited by this visitor to our garden, a male Bullfinch. I don't ever recall having one in any of my gardens before. These birds usually frequent woodlands, hedgerows and orchards with blossom. We don't have much in the way of a wood, hedge or orchard, but we do have daisies ...
 ... and small areas that have grass seed (or did have grass seed!). I have yet to see a female, but I am hopeful that she may not be far away.

 The Bullfinch has been given an Amber Conservation Status.


  1. what lovely photos, Caroline! I love bullfinches. I see a lot of them in Colinton Dell along the Water of Leith

  2. He is a beauty! Great shots!

  3. Beautiful birds. The pair that visits us this year has appeared on about a third of the days this month.In previous years it appeared occasionally at apple blossom time.

  4. One of my favourite birds. Family parties, that seem to stick together all winter, sometimes visit the winter-flowering Prunus subhirtella autumnalis in our back garden - we're happy to see some of the flower buds eaten in exchange for their visits.

  5. We sometimes get them here although not frequently enough. They are stunning looking birds. Beautiful pictures- lucky you.

  6. Thank you all for your kind comments. The Bullfinch was back this evening for more grass seed (or was it cornflower?)!
