Friday 10 May 2013

Butterflies and Moths: (Not So) Early Butterflies

A rather shabby Peacock, spotted at ...

Minsmere last weekend, taken as the light was fading.

A white butterfly (is it perhaps a male Large White?) also at Minsmere.

The pair of Common Blues in the garden were too quick for me, so here's one I saw last year ...

... and these Small Tortoiseshells were photographed some time ago.
The one I saw last weekend was very bedraggled and had probably emerged from hibernation.

There were plenty of Orange Tips at Minsmere in the sunshine last weekend.
(The one in the photo was in our garden last year)

... and finally, for now, I have seen a couple of (yellow) Brimstones flying about ...

I wonder which species will flutter past me next!

2013 List

1] Peacock
2] Small Tortoiseshell
3] ?Large White
4] Common Blue
5] Brimstone
6] Orange Tip


  1. A battered peacock is all we've seen so far.

  2. Love the view of the coastline and the pretty butterflies! Lovely photos, Caroline!

  3. I've seen one small tortoiseshell and one other butterfly that flew past too quickly for me to id it.

    We rarely get brimstones up here unfortunately, lovely butterflies.

    Surprised not to have seen orange tips so far

  4. Lovely to see so many. Much better than here! Gorgeous photos Caroline.

  5. Very pretty! You got a nice variety of butterflies already. I need to get out there looking.
