Monday 8 April 2013

2013 Wordle 1: Summary of Wildlife Sightings So Far

Wordle of Birds I have seen (UK, largely Suffolk) so far in 2013

I have seen Egyptian Geese, a new species for me, in two locations, Lackford Lakes and Ickworth. This quarter represents my best sighting to date of Goldcrests (at Minsmere) and Barn Owl (Orford and Flatford). 

My early sightings have included a number of strange, possibly hybrid, Mallards, including largely white ones. The Egyptian Goose is really a 'garden escape' as this species was brought to Britain as an ornamental bird for parks and estates.  

Egyptian Goose

Mammals seen to date: Red Deer, Muntjac, Rabbit, Hare, Grey Squirrel ... and Rat. 

Insects seen to date: Ladybirds (two Seven-spots at Minsmere), Gorse Shield Bug (two at Minsmere), Bumblebee (on the wing) ... and a few unidentified beetles and moths.

Wild Flowers to date: Daisy, Coltsfoot, Violet, Aconites, Periwinkle, Dog's Mercury 

'Fishy' things: Skate Eggs, Cuttlefish cuttle bones

1 comment:

  1. Great to compare what I've seen in this part of the country. CERTAINLY no violets! Only Periwinkle and daisies really. Should be Tormentil everywhere by now but none at all. Look forward to your next update.
