Tuesday 26 March 2013

Home Patch: Birds in the Snow

The snowy weather continues to fight for its grip on the landscape. Despite moments of sunshine, there is still a bitter chill in the air. The small birds have been busy at the feeders. You can see a Long-tailed tit above.  

We were at the Camden Roundhouse in London at the weekend, and came back to find a white world in Suffolk. 

I took this view of the trees over the weekend. There is still a little snow on the boughs and on the hillside beyond (yes, we do have hills in Suffolk!), but the scene is looking less like a winter wonderland.  

This is a close-up of the Long-tailed tit. I don't think I have ever had Long-tailed tits in my previous gardens, so they are a delightful bonus!  

Blue tits, Great tits and Long-tailed tits feed happily together most of the time. Great tits and Robins do not like to share the feeder, though Robins are prepared to eat alongside the smaller Blue tits, as you will see in the bottom photo.

I don't know who has been making tracks across the lawn, but this scene above was waiting for us this morning. You can see that the snow is past its best, and since I took the photo, there has been a further thaw.  

Time for a new coconut!

The Robin has been a frequent visitor. You can see him below, trying to fool me into thinking that it's Christmas and not Easter just around the corner!


  1. We very rarely get long tailed tits and, when they do come, they =never feed unfortunately. Great to see one so close up!

  2. Caroline,

    You are lucky to see such beautiful birds close up and take photos. I love to see birds.

  3. Caroline, I love all your cute birds. Gorgeous photos. I hope your weather warms up soon, we have been having crazy weather lately. Have a great weekend and Happy Easter!

  4. Long tailed tits are such lovely birds, so nice to have them feeding in yoru garden!
