Tuesday 8 January 2013

Seasonal Splash: A Winter Medley

This Puffin from Iona 'flew off' and will doubtless reappear in December!

The Blue-tits continue to visit us ...

... and are now sharing their food with a Robin.

... while the Goldfinch looks on ...
... and the Greenfinch turns away.

We took a foggy walk at Sutton Hoo. Can you see the Grey Squirrel?

There were lots of spiders' webs ...

... covered in moisture.

This one reminded me of the cats' cradles we used to make with string. Do you remember those?

The Gorse provided a welcome splash of colour ...

... on a dark and atmospheric Sutton Hoo afternoon!


  1. lovely photos, Caroline, those spiders webs are wonderful!

  2. Great collection of your yardbirds. I love your Goldfinch! The web shots are cool. Have a happy day.

  3. I do remember cat's cradles. Many an pleasant hour was spent in the playground with string! Lovely pictures....particularly the webs.

  4. Hi Caroline, Happy New Year! I haven't greeted you. Those webs are always gorgeous in your part of the world because of the beads, here the water droplets dry so fast. And that last shot i love most, so dramatic for me most specially because it happens once in a few years!

  5. Hello Caroline! Amazing photos of the spider webs! Wishing you a wonderful 2013...Happy New Year!!
