Wednesday 19 December 2012

Nature Reserves: Minsmere Midwinter Medley

A case of 'now you see me' ...

... 'Now you don't!'  (or do you?)

Bullfinch on the berries ...

Is this the Goldcrest? ... a tiny hyperactive bird (my excuse for a poor shot!*)

Patterns of fungi ...
... and patterns of bark. I wonder what tree!
* The winter light in the tree was so dim that I have lightened this photo considerably ...


  1. That tree one would make a fantastic fabric. Can't really tell about the Goldcrest one though! Did you see it's head???

  2. My husband saw the top of the head with that very distinctive stripe of yellow. It was a dark November day, and I missed it ... but just snapped away when we saw the busy little bird rest for a brief moment in the tree. Yes, I could see the bark as a batik print!
