Friday 21 December 2012

Home Patch: What the Robin Saw ...

The Robin seemed to know that the Jay was totally preoccupied ...

... craning his head this way ...
... and that, in a very furtive manner.

He turned around once more, perhaps to ensure that the Grey Squirrel was nowhere to be seen ...

... before digging up the Squirrel's acorn ...

... and swallowing it.
You might like to read more on the subject of caching and theft on this BBC report here
And, of course, I can't be sure that this particular acorn had been buried by the squirrel!


  1. That Jay is fabulous. I'm still waiting to catch one with the camera. I did get the elusive coal tit I've been waiting for today though!

  2. what lovely photos of the jay, I rarely see them,
