Saturday 17 November 2012

Seasonal Splash: Robin and Spider's Web

After appearing on a live local radio show yesterday to introduce my poetry chapbook,
I went on to Woodbridge and saw this lovely Robin in a garden centre.
There were some wonderful spiders' webs in the garden once I got home ...

... this is a close-up, against a plastic garden chair.

Nothing particularly wild about these, but I hope they will add a splash (or clash!) of colour to our bare garden!


  1. I just love your pretty robin. They are so different than the American Robins. Cool shots of the spiders web. Great post. Hope you are having a lovely weekend!

  2. Those webs look fabulous against the pale blue. Better than a natural background!

  3. Hello Caroline, I'm glad I came in here now, as that spider web is so beautiful. We don't see our webs laden with frost like that. However, my first photo posted today is also a spider web, and some cute and tiny spiders too!

  4. congratulations Caroline - that's great news.

  5. wonderful photos of the spiders web and what a handsome fat robin!
