Tuesday 6 November 2012

Home Patch: Remnants, Fragments ... and New Shoots

There was very little of colour or novelty value in the garden yesterday ... but then my eyes alighted on our small cherry tree. How lovely to see buds in November! I hope they will survive our frosts.

I am enjoying the welcome splash of colour provided by our lingering Nasturtiums; those, that is, that survived the hungry Large White caterpillars some weeks ago. Judging by this morning's frost, these will not be around much longer.

A single hoverfly was sunning itself on a leaf. 

And for those of you who like wild ruins (as well as 'wild wildlife'), you can read about my poetry chapbook launch here in Ipswich tonight on the University Campus Suffolk Heritage Blog ...


  1. I've noticed a few new shoots too. Lovely pictures. I wish we had a few more leaves left - they're all blowing off fast!

  2. Hi Caroline, i thought i have not been here for quite sometime. I posted ladybirds again so remember you associated with it. Then when i oppened your red one in October, i saw my comment already there, haha! The testudinate ladybird i asked you about, i now realized is common with us and I saw some of them in our property. But the red one i posted I am not sure what to call.

  3. Lovely photos, I love the glint of light on the hoverfly's wings
