Friday 5 October 2012

Lepidoptera: Butterfly Conservation and Hedgerow Photo Competition

The Comma, a butterfly that hibernates rather than migrates.

If you enjoy taking photographs of the wildlife that inhabits our hedgerows, you might like to enter the Belvoir Fruit Farm Hedgerow Photography Competition. The farm will donate £1 to Butterfly Conservation for every photograph entered. Be sure to read the rules before you upload, as images cannot be entered if they have appeared in public before. Your entry will earn you free membership of Butterfly Conservation.


  1. that's a lovely photo of a comma! I've made a note of the competition and hope to enter...

  2. I can't get the farm page to load but will try other routes....

    Lovely Comma photo!

  3. Hi Caroline, i am showing here again. I've always read of coma butterflies but i haven't seen it in person. I guess we also have it, although maybe of different species.
