Friday 6 July 2012

Ladybird Alert (13): Harlequin Ladybird Pupa Update

These are two updated photos of the Harlequin Ladybird pupa in my Suffolk garden. It was very warm yesterday when we came in from the Olympic torch parade on the Waterfront, and the pupa was moving about quite significantly, with the head end secure on the post, and the abdomen lifting and falling. I wonder if it will still be there today ...


  1. i'll bet it'll be gone. if not, it won't be long. hope your weekend is a great one~

  2. Not ever seen that before Caroline.

  3. these photos are amazing, Caroline!

  4. Caroline, i haven't seen this even if i live in the farm. At least when i see one, i will know it will become a ladybird.
