Monday 30 July 2012

Home Patch (25): Marmalade Fly and Leaf Miner

Episyrphus balteatus (Marmalade Fly)
I gather this is a common Hoverfly in the UK. The twin stripes (one large, one small) make identification relatively straight forward. This tiny insect was sucking nectar in a white Pelargonium in the garden this morning. I gather it eats aphids ... there are a lot of Blackfly on the nearby nasturtiums!

Grown from seed ... Nasturtium, adding a splash of colour ... and home for Blackfly ...

... and the Leaf Miner! (Click here and scroll down just a little ... amazing photos of Leaf Miner)

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a colourful hoverfly! I saw a lot of different hoverflies today but certainly have never seen one of those!
