Wednesday 6 June 2012

Nature Reserve Notes (5): Jubilee Walk

We took a stroll, largely through the rain, in our local nature reserve on Sunday afternoon (having watched the amazing Jubilee flotilla on our television, as it made its way down the Thames).

The lovely Wild or Dog Rose above was the first flower we noticed, and it seemed a patriotic choice! 

You can see the ripples and reflections of rain.

On our way back through the woodland path, with its short stretches of boardwalk, we noticed this fragment of pale blue eggshell, possibly from a Blackbird's nest, in a dark corner of the path. I hope the chick was safe!
This majestic Yellow Flag sparkled as watery light lit up the drops of rain on its petals.

Plants noticed in the reserve so far:

1] Alkanet, 13 May 2012
2] Forget-me-not, 13 May 2012
3] Stinging nettles, 13 May 2012
4] Blackberry brambles, 13 May 2012

and new for this time ...

5] Pink Campion
6] Dog Rose
7] Greater Stitchwort
8] Yellow Flag
9] Bluebell
10] Cow Parsley
11] Yellow Archangel
12] Diasy
13] Buttercup

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