Friday 15 June 2012

Home Patch (21): This Morning's Visitors

The Chaffinch was chirping noisily from his branch ...
I don't know if he realised he had an audience!
On the subject of finches, you might enjoy Adam Tilt's Garden Bullfinch post here.
The Grey Squirrel was competing for his perch ...
... keeping an eye on the Chaffinch.
A Buff-tailed Bumblebee was busy in the Escallonia ...
... flitting from flower to flower in the gusty wind.
The Dunnock hasn't appeared today so far, but I'm still hoping he will ...


  1. you had quite a few visitors today at your house. they're all so adorable. sometimes i wish we could scoop them up and tell them how much they brighten our world... well maybe not the bumblebee as i'd like to not get stung... have a great weekend~

  2. Thanks for the link Caroline. One thing we are missing here is Squirrels. I know most gardeners hate them but I just love watching them even if they do take out a few feeders!

  3. Lovely photos! Your chaffinch is lovely and bright! The squirrel is cheeky and bees are always nice to see.

  4. The squirrels look as if they are a half breed with a hint of red in that fur.

    We've had sunshine all day here though I have not been out in the garden all day to be able to enjoy the wildlife like you. We had a male and female bullfinch in the garden yesterday.

    Oh you mentioned briza media last time to me - I know it can get out of hand but I love to photograph it and it even struggles to survive in my wet soil.
