Friday 22 June 2012

Butterflies and Moths (7): First Caterpillar of 2012 ... for me

Seen at Snape. I suspect a Small Tortoiseshell.
This must be very late for me to be seeing my first caterpillar of the year! I don't think I've caught up with life since our move to East Anglia, but perhaps it is a late season for butterflies.

You might enjoy the UK Butterfly site's Spring Butterfly Photographic Contest (showing winners at the end) here.


  1. I have not seen one this year, congrats on your caterpillar sighting.

  2. you've been busy spotting all sorts of nature/ wildlife... and all beauties in their own right. have a great weekend~

  3. Great shot, Caroline. Have not seen many caterpillars or butterflies this year. Must be the wet weather! Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  4. I think it's a late season for a lot of things this year. Lovely photo
