Monday 28 May 2012

Seasonal First (3): Red Damselfly

Large Red Damselfly, seen 19 May 2011 at WWT Llanelli ... here

The photo is a cheat as I took it last year, but I saw my first red Damselfly of 2012 this afternoon ... in the local Sainsbury car park!

I had just got out of the car and it nearly flew into me. Sadly it flew off as quickly as it had arrived, so I know it was red in colour, but that is about all. I am guessing it was a Large Red. This is not only a late first of the season, but also my first Damselfly sighting since moving to Suffolk last October. I see I spotted my first Damselfly of 2011 on 21 April, so I am way behind with sightings this year.

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