Wednesday 23 May 2012

Seasonal First (1): Pied Flycatcher ... and Tadpoles

We have just returned from a long weekend in Wales, where we enjoyed watching a pair of Pied Flycatchers. They didn't hang about for long although there was a fair amount of coming and going around the nestbox. We kept a very low profile and a good distance ... I apologise for the quality of this record shot ... but there they are! 

I took the following photo a year ago, and posted it on 30 May 2011 ...

You can see my other 2011 Pied Flycatcher photos here and here ...
I also saw my first tadpoles on Saturday. Most were a good size, but had not started to show their legs.

Last year's 'First Tadpole of the Season' photos (20 April - much earlier!) are here
I am still waiting to see Sand Martins this year, but have now seen Swifts, Swallows and House Martins. I noticed my first yellow butterfly yesterday, but it didn't come close enough for me to see it properly. I guess it was a male Brimstone. I also saw my first 2012 jellyfish, which will feature in a different post.


  1. The birds shots are wonderful and the tadpoles are so great. They bring back memories of our farm pond in the summer. I would check them everyday to watch them grow.

  2. I've never seen a pied flycatcher...

    No brimstones up here, but plenty of orange tips!

  3. What a pretty bird! I'm glad you got a photo of it.
