Wednesday 30 May 2012

Nature Reserve Notes (4): Round Up of Sightings for May 2012

Photo Medley for May 2012 (a day early!)

Nature Reserve Notes: a list of species recognised (or discovered!). I saw many more insects and plants that I have not (yet) identified. I am only listing each species once unless I see several at a time or unless I see an unusual specimen.

1] Grey Squirrel, 13 May 2012

1] Moorhen, 13 May 2012
2] Jay, 13 May 2012
3] Dunnock, 13 May 2012 ~ Total 3
4] Wood pigeon, 13 May 2012


1] Lily Beetle, 13 May 2012

1] 7-spot Ladybird, 13 May 2012 ~ Total 37! 
2] 14-spot Ladybirds, 13 May 2012 ~ Total 2
3] Harlequin Ladybird, Harmonia axyridis succinea, 13 May 2012
4] Unusual 7-spot (possibly damaged), 27 May 2012

1] Buff-tailed Bumblebee, 13 May 2012
2] A kind of ?Carpenter bee (on a wooden post with bore holes), 13 May 2012

1] Holly Blue Butterfly, 13 May 2012
2] Orange-tip Butterfly, 13 May 2012
3] Gatekeeper, Small Heath*, 27 May 2012 ~ Total 2
4] Green Hairstreak, 27 May 2012

*My thanks to the Kirkstall Creatures Great and Small blog for setting me on the right track here!

1] A green Brown-lipped Snail, 13 May 2012
2] Slug, 13 May 2012

1] Alkanet, 13 May 2012
2] Forget-me-not, 13 May 2012
3] Stinging nettles, 13 May 2012
4] Blackberry brambles, 13 May 2012

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