Tuesday 15 May 2012

Home Patch (12): Avian Visitors Old and New

The Chaffinch seems to prefer this red Acer to the green trees ... for camouflage perhaps?
This somewhat Leucistic female Blackbird was back on her patch this evening.
At least I'm assuming it was the same one, but perhaps not. What do you think? The earlier photo is here. [P.S. Later: I now begin to think it may be a different bird without so much white]. 

The new visitors today were three Swifts, who flew over the garden a couple of times, bringing my Home Patch Bird Species total to 21.

  • Cuckoo ... heard but not seen on 9 May 2012!  RED Conservation status
  • Mallard ... these flew past without landing
  • Swift ... three flew overhead today, without landing. AMBER Conservation status (do read this work by a YOUNG RSPB campaigner!). You might also care to read this from Wild Up North.

1 comment:

  1. An impressive list...may it keep on growing! Lovely shots...love the second one.
    About the wall art on my blog (Terra farmer) those are made by shaping the ivy on the walls. The stems send out hairy roots and cling to the walls. It must have taken a long time for such shapes to be created. I'm so glad to read your comment.
