Saturday 14 April 2012

Home Patch (4): Long-tailed Tit

Long-tailed tit on left: Blue tit on right

Not a good photo - and not taken in my home patch - BUT since we enjoyed a short visit from a single Long-tailed tit in our new garden on Saturday, I thought I would post this old photo for those who are not familiar with these delightful birds. We have also seen Blue tits and Great tits. My 'bird tally' for our new home patch runs as follows:

    Incidentally, I was surprised to see a single Long-tailed tit as I always think of these birds flying around in small flocks. Although often listed alongside other tits, the Long-tailed Tit is apparently not a true tit, but a member of the Aegithalidae family.

    I have also spotted an as yet unidentified bird of prey overhead (I know it wasn't a Red Kite, Kestrel or Buzzard!) - and a couple of geese.


    1. This is such a cute little bird. I am enjoying your list and trying to make comparisons on some of your birds to over here.

    2. Long tailed tits are just the cutest little things!
