Thursday 12 April 2012

Home Patch (3): Elusive Birds ... and Other Observations

The 'shy' bird was hiding in the budding branches this morning ...

... and I was delighted to catch it on camera, albeit from some distance.

Is it a Dunnock (or here), I wonder?

A Buff-tailed Bumble bee? Possibly a Queen ...

... was enjoying the flowering currant.

Last night I spotted this moth through the window ... just a record shot!

Here is the web, but where is the spider?

There is something exquisite about a drop of water, something akin to 'a world in a grain of sand' ...

These dew drops remind me of a feature on the secret life enclosed in a droplet in a recent WWT Waterlife magazine.

The resident Robin seemed a bit tamer today, and allowed me to take two photos ...

I wonder what my next sighting will be ...
Those who have been reading my recent posts will know that we have recently moved to Suffolk, UK, and that I am exploring the wildlife in our new 'home patch'. I also noticed some (more) 7-spot Ladybirds: these will feature in the next post.

1 comment:

  1. lovely photos of the dunnock, they are very elusive birds, very sweet
