Tuesday 10 April 2012

Home Patch (1): Beautiful Birds


Blackbird (male)


Great Tit

Wood Pigeon

The birds in the photos above have all been spotted in our new garden in Suffolk, UK. The full list to date runs as follows:

  • Blackbird
  • Chaffinch
    • Goldfinch
    • Great Tit
    • Jay
    • Magpie
    • Robin
    • Song Thrush
    • Wood Pigeon
    I hope to add to this list in the days ahead. I have also seen Sparrows, and am waiting to get a better look, but I think they may be Tree Sparrows. Incidentally, I have three Sparrow Haiku in an International Kukai tomorrow ...

    Postscript: My thanks to Mary for leading me in the direction of her Goldfinch photographs from the USA. These birds are so different from ours ... though if 'my' pair return today, I will try to photograph their gold patches!


    1. What Beautiful Birds indeed!! You will help me identify some in my garden -- I think we have had a Great Tit (the yellow one, right?), and we have a pair of what I think might be ring-necked doves (very pale grey with a black ring around their necks).

      Lovely, thank you for sharing these!

    2. Good to know that you have a lot of these pretty birds coming. I also enjoyed seeing the bird in your latest post.

    3. lovely photos, I especially like the curious goldfinch!
