Thursday 8 March 2012

Beautiful Birds (41): Plus a Hoverfly ... Calendar Photos

I was delighted to receive two contributor copies of the Swansea Vale Resource Centre calendar today. My wildlife photographs represent ...
  • April - Puffins and a Gannet
  • May - Mumbles Pier, with its Kittiwakes
  • July - the Hoverfly you see above
The calendar was part of the COASTAL Project, 'Life through a Lens'.


  1. Congratulations Caroline - your hover fly on the Rosa canina is lovely.

  2. Congratulations - slightly unfortunate surely though that they didn't get the copies to you earlier in the year?

  3. My fault, Juliet, for moving house (from Wales to England) between collation and production!

  4. What a nice calendar! I love having several nature calendars around to look at.
