Monday 13 February 2012

Beautiful Birds (36): Pigeon Dance

Getting ready for 14 February ...

Still time for a spot more preening ...

The Cormorant patrolled this stretch of water ...

... and a small 'iceberg' began to thaw.

Not quite Swan Lake ...

... but an air of snowy tranquillity prevailed on the Ipswich Waterfront.


  1. These are such wonderful shots. I have some favorites but they are all so wonderful.

  2. Hello

    I've noticed your blog in the sidebar of 'Tree Year'.

    I was 'following' trees before that started - and am continuing - so I've offered to help link others who are doing the same.

    The details are on my blog, Loose and Leafy.

    I'm making a list of people who are noting the progress of a particular tree (or group of trees, the plants and fungi associated with an individual tree . . . or . . . the definition of 'tree following' is fluid!)

    If you would like to join in with this, let me know and I'll add your blog to the list - with a link. Then, whenever you post about 'your' tree (either by leaving a note in the comments or by email) I'll put an updated link there too.

    It's all very informal and I'm still working out the best way to do it but do let me know if you would like to take part.

    Lucy Corrander
