Saturday 22 October 2011

Beautiful Birds (30): RSPB Reserve Minsmere, Suffolk, UK

A Teal (not a Shoveler) ... shovelling!
David lining up the camera for a waterfowl fly-past

You can see the Mismere RSPB Reserve on the left and the North Sea on the right ... pretty chilly, too!

And here they come!

A Little Egret surrounded by a group of Teal, with their heads below the surface.
Is this a Bar-Tailed Godwit? No, I gather it's a Black-Tailed one.
We drove past the RSPB Deer Rut station ... into the Dunwich sunset.
Do take a look at David's Orwell View blog for more photos ... You may also like to see the RSPB Daily (e-bulletin), featuring the Little Egret we saw at Minsmere.


  1. Thanks for the comment and hope that you are settling in well to your new home. I'm just back from a week in Norfolk but will have to head over to Minsmere at some point as it's been far too long since my last visit. It's a great reserve.

  2. It looks like it was a perfect day for birding and you saw some lovely ones. I love to be out on nice days like this and don't look forward to the coming cold soon.
