Friday 27 May 2011

Eye-catching Insects (6): Iridescent Beetle

Thick-legged Flower Beetle ~ Oedemera nobilis

I was struck by the iridescence of this beetle, scuttling its way across an Ox-eye Daisy. I wonder what pigment colour it really is, once you 'remove' or 'ignore' the iridescence. I saw several of these insects last week at WWT Llanelli. The males have particularly thick femora or thighs.


  1. Thanks for posting this, just saw two in my garden and have been trying to identify them, just beautiful! Such a great photo, my camera can't cope with such small creatures. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment, Keren. Well, it must be 'that' time of year as I see I saw these almost exactly a year ago today ... when I was living in Swansea!
